Are Pugs Hypoallergenic?

Do you love dogs but are worried about your allergies or your kids’ having an allergic reaction? Well, don’t let that stop you from getting a furry friend! There are lots of hypoallergenic dog breeds out there that are just perfect for people with allergies. One of these breeds is the Pug. Pugs are small, watchful, and can be quiet when necessary – making them the perfect companion for almost anyone. But are they really hypoallergenic? Let’s take a closer look.

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My Dog Is Giving Me The Side Eye, What Does It Mean?

Is your dog looking at you with a side eye? With his or her head turned, but clearly looking at you? Is this a new form of body language for the dog, or just something you’ve started to wonder about?

Dog side eye, or “whale eye” as canine behavioral experts might call it, is a real behavior with real implications about the dog’s state of being.

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